Thomas elected CAG president

Chris Thomas, chief executive officer of the Northern California PGA Section, has been elected president of the California Alliance for Golf, replacing Tom Addis, CEO of the Southern California PGA Section.

Joining Thomas on the CAG board are Vice President Kevin Heaney (Southern California Golf Association), Treasurer Tom Schunn (California Chapter of the Club Managers Association) and Secretary Jim Ferrin, CGCS, (California Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association).

“I am honored to serve as president of the alliance,” Thomas said. “It is critical, more now, than ever before, that the California golf industry remains united and informed.

The challenges before us should not be confronted singularly, but instead, we must continue to work collaboratively to protect what we have–whether it jobs or its water resources and everything in between. All are vital to our business and the golfers we serve.”

On behalf of the board of directors, Thomas presented Addis with a special appreciation award for his multiple years of service to the alliance.

Under the leadership of Addis, the alliance produced an updated CAG-Golf 20/20 California Golf Economic Impact Study (which included a special environmental component), has closely monitored water issues throughout the state while also opening healthy dialog between water agencies and golf course operators.

The CAG Board of Directors also includes Pat Blalock (WSCGA), Ted Horton, CGCS (Past President), Bill Johnson (CCMA), Michael Lautenbach (At-Large), Emmy Moore Minister (At-Large), Steve Plummer, CGCS (CGCOA) and Bruce Williams, CGCS (At-Large), with additional governmental advocacy support from Craig Kessler of the Southern California Golf Association.


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