Q&A with Todd Keefer, PGA 2023 SCPGA Golf Professional of the Year

We asked a few questions of Todd Keefer, the PGA Regional General Manager for Century Golf Partners and the recipient of the 2023 Golf Professional of the Year award from the Southern California PGA of America Section. Having served as a Past President of the SCPGA Section, Todd Keefer’s passion for golf and commitment to nurturing the next generation of Golf Professionals is evident in every aspect of his work. His leadership and dedication to the SCPGA showcase the profound impact one can have in the golf industry through service, mentorship, and a genuine love for the game.

Q: Can you introduce yourself and your current role?

A: In my current role with Century Golf Partners, I support our General Managers (GMs) and Assistant General Managers (AGMs) at four of our courses: Los Posas Country Club, Wood Ranch Golf Club, Sunset Hills Country Club, and The Club at Prescott Lakes in Arizona. Additionally, I help oversee Learning and Development programs for our 60 courses nationwide, focusing on growing the next generation of leaders.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you?

A: My day involves one-on-one meetings, golf course visits, and ensuring positive experiences for both guests and team members. This includes numerous conversations with staff, financial reviews, and compliance checks. The days are full but rewarding, seeing the impact we have on those we serve.

Q: What are your key takeaways from your experience as a PGA member and serving the SCPGA?

A: Serving is both an honor and very humbling due to the immense talent, heritage, and history within our Section. It’s important to be a steward of the contributions of those before us while considering future possibilities and needs. Our Section leaders invest significant time and energy into elevating us as Golf Professionals. The relationships you build are lifelong, bonded by shared goals and experiences. Being mentored by Past Presidents and participating with Associates across the association has been an incredibly enriching experience. The pride in what our Golf Professionals do daily—showing up for their members and guests, mentoring others, and enhancing the game—is immeasurable.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a PGA of America member?

A: Pursue it if you truly enjoy helping others. The environment is competitive yet friendly. If you love learning, coaching, have a lot of energy, and enjoy having fun, this industry is for you. Approach each day with the intention to elevate those around you.

Q: What is your all-time favorite golf course you have played?

A: That’s a tough one, but I’d say my most favorite golf experience and course is Prestwick in Scotland. The heritage, history, and special moments that have occurred there, starting with the Open Championship, are incredible. The people we were with, the caddies, the golf, the weather—all of it was special, primarily because of the people I shared it with.

Q: What would you choose if you had to play an entire round with one club? 

A: A six iron. It’s versatile enough to handle most situations on the course.

Q: Best golf tip you have ever received?

A: Breathe. It’s simple but so important for maintaining focus and composure.

Q: Dream Foursome to play with?

A: We’d be playing as a fivesome: my grandfather, my dad, my daughter Alex, and my son Jake. My grandfather used to tell the starter at his club that three generations of Keefers were going to the tee, and it would be the ultimate experience to have all four generations playing together.

Visit pga.org/membership to get started on the path to PGA Membership or email PGA of America career consultant, Ed Winiecki, PGA, CCM, at [email protected] for advice.

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